Certificate of Insurance (1st February 2022 to 31st January 2023)

Date:28th January 2022
To:Teega Parcel Owners
From:The Management

Dear Valued Parcel Owners,

Certificate of Insurance (1st February 2022 to 31st January 2023)

We are pleased to inform you that the Certificate of Insurance (Fire) is available for collection.

You can walk-in to the Management Office to collect the physical copy or email to teega.account@teega.com.my to request for the soft copy.

Kindly ensure that you have no any outstanding of monthly maintenance charges & sinking fund as we shall check before releasing the CI.

Starting FY2022, there would not be any back-charge of Fire Insurance & Quit Rent charges as both items were integrated into the monthly maintenance charges as per the resolution carried in the 4th Annual General Meeting.

Should you have any enquiry or doubt, do not hesitate to contact the management office during working hours at 07-287 7303 (Residences) /  07-287 7313(Suites) or teega.general whatsapp contact number (+6017-981 7313) or email us at teega.general@teega.com.my

Thanks again for your attention.

Best Regards,

On Behalf of

Badan Pengurusan Bersama Menara Teega