RE: Charge Arrears (Statement)
As per Strata Management Act 2013(Act 757) , under section 25(1) each purchaser shall pay the Charges, and contribution to the sinking fund, in respect of his parcel to the Joint Management Body for the maintenance and management of the buildings or lands intended for subdivision into parcels and the common property in a development area.
Under section 25(6)(b), the late payment interest is set at 10% as per the Annual General Meeting minutes.
You may use any of the following modes of payment :-
(1) By cash or cheque payable at the Management Office.
(2) Ipay88 gateway portal (FPX transfer / Credit Card) via SelfCare. Surcharge shall be borne by JMB.
(3) Online Transfer CIMB bank Account No. 8603339277 (Bank’s Swift Code no. CIBBMYKL).
(4) All payment by cheque must be crossed and made in favour for BADAN PENGURUSAN BERSAMA MENARA TEEGA. (Drop-box in front of management office).
(5) By E-wallet (DuitNow/Touch & Go) QR code transfer.

(6) All payment made is non-refundable except for refundable deposit payment.
Kindly ensure all transfer and deposit information is conveyed back to us at or +6017 981 7313 (Whatsapp message only) for item (3), (4) & (5). [IMPORTANT for the payment to be identified and reconciled]
Should you have any enquiries on your statement of account, please call us at 07-287 7313 (Teega Suite) or 07-287 7303 (Teega Residence) oremail us for assistance.
Your faithfully,
For and on behalf of
Badan Pengurusan Bersama Menara Teega (MBJBT : JMB0108)